Quintessential Listening: Poetry Presents - J.P. Dancing Bear

Quintessential Listening: Poetry Presents - J.P. Dancing Bear

Quintessential Poetry: Online Radio, YouTube and Zoom

J. P. Dancing Bear is editor for the Verse Daily and Dream Horse Press. He is the author of fourteen collections of poetry, most recently, Cephalopodic (Glass Lyre Press, 2015. His most recent book, Fishing Singing Foxes came out in March of 2019 by Salmon Poetry. His next collection, Of Oracles and Monsters, which will be released by Glass Lyre Press in the fall of 2019. His work has appeared in hundreds of magazines and anthologies including American Literary Review, Crazyhorse, Plume, Quarterly West, and others.

Editor, Verse Daily 

editor/owner, Dream Horse Press



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