Quintessential Listening: Poetry Presents - Duane Vorhees

Quintessential Listening: Poetry Presents - Duane Vorhees

Quintessential Poetry: Online Radio, YouTube and Zoom

Duane Vorhees and his wife and son moved the population of Farmersville, Ohio over the 1,000 mark when they moved there last year. He returned to his hometown after teaching in Korea and Japan. His book "Love's Autobiography" was published by Hawakal last summer and is available on Amazon. He manages a daily arts zine duanespoetree.blogspot.com, featuring contemporary poets from around the world.

The primary mission of Quintessential Listening: Poetry is to provide a live format for poets to showcase their work. Whether traditional poetry or spoken word, the show offers an online vehicle for artists to engage in critical dialogue and discussion about the art and craft of poetry.


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