Distinguished leader, educator, journalist and author, Arnold E. Holtberg joins us to share his opinions on how to teach the truth even when it's challenging. Arnold is the strategic advisor of The Compass School of Texas, a start-up private school for students age 4 through grade 3, and a contributing columnist for The Dallas Morning News and The Arkansas Democrat Gazette. He is also an accomplished author with his latest releases, "Second Down and Life to Go" (Spring 2024) and "Game On! One Boy’s Odyssey" (2023). He previously served as the Headmaster of St. Mark's School of Texas in Dallas for over 20 years, Dean of Students and teacher of Social Studies in numerous other U.S. private and public schools, as well as the principal of the Hong Kong International School. His experiences on the Board of Directors of non-profit organizations and private schools, as well as a Regional Panelist for the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships, has informed his leadership strategies and skills to improve education systems. Arnold holds an M.A.R. in Pastoral Care and Counseling from the Lutheran Theological Seminary and an A.B. in Sociology, Cum Laude, from Princeton University, showcasing excellence in academics and athletics. Tune in for this broadcast on Wednesday, February 14 @ 6pm EST!