Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio Presents - James Steck

Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio Presents - James Steck

Quintessential Poetry: Online Radio, YouTube and Zoom

James Steck grew up in Albany, NY and now lives in Washington, DC. He studied art for a brief period, at Virginia Tech, before pursuing a degree in English. He currently teaches high school and coaches track and field in Fairfax, Virginia. He sketches frequently, enjoys sitting on fire escapes, and shares his poetry around the city at open mics and elsewhere—most recently with Makars Open Mic Series and The Inner Loop Literary Reading Series in DC. His most recent work is forthcoming with Wordpeace. His other poetry and artwork have appeared with small press print and online journals such as Tiny Spoon Literary Magazine Issue 3, Goat’s Milk Magazine Issue 4, The Wild Word, The Odd Magazine, Unlikely Stories Mark V, and others. He hopes to publish a chapbook within the year. You can find him on Instagram@jamodsteck or on Facebook as James David.


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