What Time the Bell Rings:  New Start Times for American Schools

What Time the Bell Rings: New Start Times for American Schools

The Perkins Platform

American schools have long been scheduled around an abandond agrarian life-style.  Our guest is part of a national movement to adjust school start times that are developmentally appropriate. Dr. Kyla Wahlstrom is a Senior Research Fellow and Lecturer in the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Minnesota. Her research focuses on educational leadership, professional development of teachers, the politics of school change, and the role of standards in school reform. Dr. Wahlstrom is an experienced school administrator and classroom teacher, and she is the recipient of the MASCD National Research Award for her ground-breaking study of the effects of later starting times for high schools. She was also the Primary Investigator for the 5-year Learning from Leadership national research study funded by the Wallace Foundation which examined the link between educational leadership and student achievement. Publications include one book, several book chapters, and numerous journal articles and technical monographs used by educational leaders to shape policy decisions across the US. 

Call in at 2pm to participate in what will be an amazing conversation!


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