This month, we are pleased to have with us Dr. Charles Temple. Charlie Temple is Kinghorn Professor of Global Education at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, New York, where he teaches courses in literacy education, children’s literature, storytelling, comparative education, and writing for children. He is a co-founder of the Open Society Institute’s Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking project, that promotes pedagogy for active learning and critical thinking in primary and secondary schools and universities in forty countries on five continents. With the Canadian international literacy organization CODE, Temple works on teams that produce children’s books in Tanzania, Liberia, and Sierra Leone and trains teachers to use the books to encourage thoughtful discussions. In the US, Temple is active in the International Literacy Association, the Comparative and International Education Society, and the National Storytelling Network. He has authored textbooks in literacy education and children’s literature, and also books for children. Temple has a B.A. in English from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Ph.D. in literacy education from the University of Virginia.
Join us for what will be an enlightening conversation on Wednesday, March 29 at 2pm EDT.