Double Feature Broadcast - The Racial Truth About Our Schools

Double Feature Broadcast - The Racial Truth About Our Schools

The Perkins Platform

Join us for a special double feature broadcast.  On December 9, our special guests will be Dr. Gary Orfeld of the Civil Rights Project at the University of California, Los Angeles and Ms. Abby Norman, Guest Writer for the Huffington Post and Public School Teacher.  During the first half hour, we will talk with Dr. Orfield about the status of the desegregation efforts as a matter of public policy in the United States.  We will also discuss trends and future expectations as well as public concern over our public schools. And in the 2nd half hour, we will hear from Abby in her reflections on teaching in "black" schools and what she has learned as a white educator.  She has published two thought-provoking articles in the Huffington Post that are sure to stir emotions.

Gary Orfield is Distinguished Research Professor of Education, Law, Political Science and Urban Planning at the University of California, Los Angeles. Dr. Orfield's research interests are in the study of civil rights, education policy, urban policy, and minority opportunity. He was co-founder and director of the Harvard Civil Rights Project, and now serves as co-director of the Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles at UCLA. 

Abby Norman lives in the city of Atlanta. By day she teaches in a suburban school, and by night mothers her two daughters in partnership with her husband. She has taught in a variety of schools and has witnessed first hand the inequality of education in America. She is currently seeking representation for her book about being a failing teacher at a failing school. 

Join us - Call In - Be The Discourse.  December 9: (2 - 3pm) EST.


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