Trained in meditation, yoga, philosophy and natural health sciences in Australia, the Philippines and India, Dada Gunamuktananda joins us for a special discussion on exploring meditation and consciousness. Dada is a qualified meditation teacher of Ananda Marga and has taught all over the world in Australia, Asia, Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, the Far East and North America. Since 2015, he has also been the founding coordinator of the P.R. Sarkar Institute, a central resource library and forum for the research, development and distribution of P.R. Sarkar’s teachings. Some of the events Dada has presented at include the Brisbane YogaFest, Woodford Folk Festival, Starlight Festival, TEDxNoosa, Dragon Dreaming, Adelaide Vegan Festival, Whole Life Expo, Bliss Festival, Body Mind Spirit, Gratitude Migration, the Annual International Medical Students (AIMS) meeting, and the online Planetary Leadership Training course. Tune in on Wednesday, February 10 @ 7pm EST!