Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio Presents Sandra Yannone

Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio Presents Sandra Yannone

Quintessential Listening Poetry Online Radio and YouTube

Sandra Yannone’s poems and book reviews have appeared in numerous print and online journals including Ploughshares, Poetry Ireland Review, Prairie Schooner, Sweet, SWWIM Every Day, Naugatuck River Review, Impossible Archetype, and Lambda Literary Review. Her poem “Requiem for Orlando” appeared in Pulsamos: LGBTQ Poets Respond to the Pulse Nightclub Shooting, a special online edition of Glass: A Journal of Poetry in August, 2016. Salmon Poetry published her debut collection Boats for Women in 2019; her second collection The Glass Studio is forthcoming. She currently hosts Cultivating Voices LIVE Poetry on Facebook via Zoom on Sundays. Visit her at www.sandrayannone.com.


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