On our 1-year anniversary, we have a special guest on Perkins Platform: Dr. Henry Levin - William Heard Kilpatick Professor of Economics and Education at Teachers College Columbia University. He is also the David Jacks Professor Emeritus of Higher Education and Economics at Stanford University where he served from 1968-99. Professor Levin is the director of the Center for Benefit-Cost Studies in Education (www.cbcse.org) and the director of the National Center for the Study of Privatization in Education (www.ncspe.org). Professor Levin is a specialist in the economics of education and human resources and has published 16 books and almost 300 articles on these and related subjects. He is the author of two textbooks on cost-effectiveness analysis in education: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: Methods and Applications (with Patrick McEwan, Sage Publications, 2000); and Cost-Effectiveness and Educational Policy (co-edited with Patrick McEwan, Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education, 2002).
Join us for an enlightening discussion on August 21 - 2pm EST.