Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio Presents Jessica Genia Simon

Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio Presents Jessica Genia Simon

Quintessential Listening Poetry Online Radio and YouTube

Jessica Genia [pronounced Genya] Simon's poems have been published in the Atlanta Review, Slipform 2020 Anthology, Moment Magazine, Magnolia: A Journal of Women's Socially Engaged Literature, Vol. II, Edge, Vol. 9, Nature in the Now, Tiny Seed Literary Journal and Super Stoked: An Anthology of Queer Poetry from the Capturing Fire Slam & Summit.  She participates widely in DC area poetry readings and events including Capturing Fire Poetry Slam & Summit, DC Guerilla Poetry Insurgency and events at Busboys and Poets. She works at Brady: United Against Gun Violence and lives with her wife in Silver Spring, MD.


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