Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio Presents Gad Kaynar-Kissinger

Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio Presents Gad Kaynar-Kissinger

Quintessential Listening Poetry Online Radio and YouTube

Gad Kaynar-Kissinger is a Professor at the Theatre Arts Department, Tel Aviv University, dramaturg, editor, actor, director and drama translator. He has published eight poetry volumes in Hebrew. His poems were translated into Spanish, Portuguese, Greek and Arabic. He bears the ASI Poetry Award from the General Association of Writers in Israel. His English translations were published by Pidgeonholes, Allpoetry, Anomaly Literary Journal, Atlas & Alice, The Bitter Oleander, Lady Blue Literary Arts Journal, Bombay Review, Reality Break Press, LOULIT, Indolent Books, and others. 

His book Rescue Mission offers a web of delicate, paradoxical, surprising and explosive imagery coupled with references to western culture, ancient mythologies, the scriptures, and the arts.

Publication Date: September 20, 2021

Publisher: Atmosphere Press

List Price: $15.99 Trade Paperback

ISBN13: 978-1637528426

Genre: Poetry, Translation

Language: English

Page Count: 96


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