Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio Presents Sylvia "Ladi Di" Beverly

Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio Presents Sylvia "Ladi Di" Beverly

Quintessential Listening Poetry Online Radio and YouTube

Bio Sylvia Dianne Beverly

"Ladi Di"

Sylvia Dianne Beverly is an Internationally acclaimed poet, presenting poetry In London, England, at the Lewisham Theater. Ladi Di is a Native Washingtonian. She attended University of District of Columbia, majoring in English. She is author of two books “Forever in Your Eyes” (Poems) and “Cooking Up South “ (Recipes and Poetry). A collection of her work is housed at George Washington University's Gelman Library. She is a member of A Splendid Wake, Gelman Library, George Washington University.

Also, she has been featured at Smithsonian's Museum of History, African Arts Museum, Hirshon Museum and other Smithsonians.

Ladi Di celebrated the 40th Anniversary of Host Grace Cavalieri, reading on her show "The Poet and the Poem" at the Library of Congress Experience.

Ladi Di produces and presented “Males Making A Difference in Our World “. Men sharing their stories on how they have made an impact in their communities.

Ladi Di is one of 6 County poets selected to present poetry in Poetry Poster Project. She has presented her poems at various events where 12 framed poems have hung. This includes reading at Maryland House of Delegates in Annapolis.

She is one of three poets that accepted an invitation to tour the Woodlawn Plantation. While there, she wrote poems and the poems and poetic messages keep coming. Now “Voices of Woodlawn” is a powerful new presentation that premiered at Create Suitland by 5 poets and should be seeing by everyone.

Recently Ladi Di was named “Poet of Excellence” for Prince George’s County by Prince George’s County Arts and Humanities Council, Office of Poet Laureate.

Ladi Di is proud Matriarch of her Family.


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