The 1776 Commission Report:  What We Need to Know

The 1776 Commission Report: What We Need to Know

The Perkins Platform

Join us on Wednesday, June 16th @ 6pm EST for an informative discussion with special guest, Lindsay Stallones Marshall, on her critique of the 1776 Commission Report and her thoughts on representations in history textbooks. Lindsay is a Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Research Fellow in American Indian Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She holds a Ph.D. in History from the University of Oklahoma and an M.A. in Liberal Arts from Stanford University and served as a high school history and civics teacher and department chair in San Jose, California for eleven years. She is currently working on a book manuscript that explores the intersection between changing narratives of the wars of westward expansion of the late 19th century, secondary U.S. history textbook narratives, and public memory.


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