(UPDATE 2021)Sound Healing and Music Medicine Research List is now on our Website: https://soundlovealchemy.ca/sound-healing-music-medicine-research/ Allow the music of this album and it's unique and powerful frequencies to sllooowwww eeevvverrrryyyythinnngggg ddooooowwwnnnnn! Each one has it's own guide along with guides posted below. Thank you for listening! xoxo >> ORIGINALLY RELEASED 11 Aug 2011 - REMASTERED VERSION TO BE RELEASED 26 AUG 2018! The re-released album has bonus tracks: 14 Minute Tuning Forks Only Meditation and 528hz Tuning fork recording. --------->>> Healing and Meditation music for balancing the Chakras using the Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies. All pure tone frequencies playing throughout each song were recorded in...