Boys Will Be Human
Josh Gannon
Boys Will Be Human is about toxic masculinity and how it shapes us all growing up in to adulthood. I'll share my own stories and interview others along the way about their experiences with masculinity.
32. How I Met Your Mother is TRULY Problematic as seen in "Chain of Screaming"
-Difficulty Ending a Long Show
-HIMYM It Wouldn’t Last Nowadays
-Have You Ever Yelled at Someone and Felt Good Afterwards?
-Scott Rudin
-Being Yelled at in your 20s vs 30s
-The F*** Budget
-Working Customer Service
-Character Pees on a Table
-Good Quitting Stories
‘I Rewatched ‘HIMYM’ After 4 Years and My Feelings Completely Changed: -
Scott Rudin - https://www.hollywoodrepo
31. Happy Mother's Day: Handling Expectations, De-gendering Interests and Exposing Emotional Intelligence
-1st Reactions to Having a Son
-Extra Pressure raising a son?
-Diversity in Children’s Books
-Assuming the Dad is incompetent
-“Everybody wants to tell you how to raise your child”
-What Do You Want Your Son to Cherish?
1. Dr. Tracy Baxley - @socialjusticeparenting
2. Molly and Sam's "The Hold Up" podcast
The Hold Up w/ Molly Sanchez & Sam DiSalvo
Twitter: @thisholdsup
Instagram: the_holdup_pod
Facebook: The Holdu
30. Domesticating Women as seen in 'Woman of the Year" (1942)
Today's Topics:
“Katharine Hepburn needing to be taken down a peg”
1940 vs Now
Female Character who didn’t want children
the Passive Aggressive Husband
Hays Code
Women more successful than their partners
Links Discussed in Episode:
The Hold Up w/ Molly Sanchez & Sam DiSalvo
Twitter: @thisholdsup
Instagram: the_holdup_pod
Facebook: The Holdup Podcast
“Man Enough: Undefining my Masculinity” by Justin Baldoni - https://eclectuals.
29. Jeopardy: All About Women!
Today we play Jeopardy that is ALL ABOUT WOMEN! Do you think you'll do well?
I wanted to do a game show episode with questions about women that men should know by now, and it's a very fun time. I left in big pauses to really show how long it takes for us to answer or not answer these questions! Hope you enjoy!
Watch The VIDEO on YouTube:
28. Women's Panel #2: Catcalling and Sexual Harassment
Catcalling - the act of shouting harassing and often sexually suggestive, threatening, or derisive comments at someone publicly
Sexual Harassment - behavior characterized by the making of unwelcome and inappropriate sexual remarks or physical advances in a workplace or other professional or social situation.
Today I speak to three of my female friends about being catcalled and/or sexually harassed. We discuss how close these two things are, they can be separated BUT catcalling leads to more more
27. Social Perfectionism
Welcome to another BIG GROUP discussion! This week is about Social Perfectionism. I have no problem believing men try to be socially perfect because we want to look "perfect" to people to keep them away? Impress others with our 'success'? It's pretty on brand I think, and we talk about it!
Follow us on IG @boyswillbehuman
Some of Today's Topics:
-Gender Identity Crisis
-Feeling Different when Financially Stable
-Getting The House, Spouse, Kids and Fence
-Expectations one you’re “successful”
26. Possible Outcomes from Toxic Masculinity as seen in 'Waves'
Waves Trailer:
Waves on Amazon Prime:
Waves Video Essay:
Kelvin Harrison Jr. Interview:
Thanks you listening! Talk to you soon!
IG = @boyswillbehuman
Music by Polaroid Bear
25. "Toxic Masculinity: It's The Fear of Being Inadequate"
Today I talk to my friend and children’s author Thomas Philips about:
Men being Afraid to be ridiculed.
A Very Good Life Lesson from Dad
How Boys Learn about Sex
Fulfilling Society’s Standards for Men
How we both have been Toxic
How we are all Masculine AND Feminine
Check out my website for my online Script Supervisor Class
Music by Polaroid Bear:
24. How Does The Patriarchy HURT Men?
BIG EPISODE. 7 Guests. Unedited episode, so you'll hear all the pauses and "what was that?"'s since we did this through zoom.
I think you're going to like this one. Should we do more? Let us know!
IG = boyswillbehuman
23. "I Was Afraid of Being Hurt, So I Put Up Walls"
Today I speak to my friend Njoroge and we discuss:
Being 'tough' in high school
Male Privilege
Coming to the USA
Why Women Live Longer
Thank you for listening!
ALSO check out
Bri-tish podcast
IG = britishwithadash
Music by Polaroid Bear
22. Men Care About Appearances as seen in 'The Company Men'
TODAY! We go over the movie 'The Company Men" (2010) starring Ben Affleck, Tommy Lee Jones and Chris Cooper and how losing your job as a man can be devastating to our egos, and then ultimately hurt our families.
We go over:
How Do We Stop Caring About Our Appearances?
Golden Handcuffs
The Power of Habit
Music by Polaroid Bear
21. Gay Men's Panel #1: masc4masc, Internal Homophobia and The Idea of Performing
ON OUR LAST EPISODE of 2020, we discuss the title topics as well as The Hanky Code, if you're a friend of Dorothy, and what is something we all enjoy that society wouldn't expect us enjoy. This has been amazing to do these past 21 episodes, and there will be more next year. If you have an idea you'd want to hear about, or be part of let us know!
For more info on the Folsom Street Fair:
Mark Sipka's Stand Up Special =
20. Revisiting Parks + Rec's "Pawnee Goddesses": Leslie Being the Most Toxic, Separating the Sexes and of course, Treat Yo Self
This is my favorite comedy of all time (as of now) and love this episode for so many reasons. Ethan, Paul and I discuss how Leslie is the most toxic in this episode, how important treating yourself is, Girl Scouts vs. Boy Scouts and how Chris Traeger and Jerry are exact opposites.
Mark Sipka's standup special: "My Special Family Special",%2Dfriendly%20stand%2Dup%20special.
19. Revisiting "Finding Nemo": Nemo's 3 Dads, Learning to Let Go, and other Pixar examples
Hello! Today, My friends Paul, Jose and I discuss different topics in the 2003 Pixar Movie, Finding Nemo. How it is an unconventional Father-Son movie, the important of Active Dads, learning to let go of control even as a parent (even though none of us are actual parents), and we go through other Pixar movies throughout the years as well.
FB Community Page:
Instagram: @boyswillbehuman, @plmllr, @vanderhause
Music by Polaroid Bear:
18. The Harry Styles Vogue Cover
Follow @melrobbins on any social media
Music by Polaroid Bear:
17. Veteran. Drag Queen. Terms Educator. Today with Lawrence Evans.
Music by Polaroid Bear:
16. Trump (One-Take--ish Ep)
Article Here:
15. Revisiting 'The Breakfast Club': The Good, the Bad and Should We Cancel it?
But seriously. Should we cancel this movie?
Music by Polaroid Bear
14. Straight Men Can Love Theatre
Today I talk to my great friends Jon Riley, Josey McCoy and Marius Layus about THEATRE. You can love theatre and be attracted to women, it's all good. In this session, we discuss if we think it's a female trait to like theatre, people's perceptions, our favorite plays/musicals, and Hamilton being filmed.
Community Page -
Music by Polaroid Bear
13. Revisiting 'V For Vendetta': 2005 vs. 2020, Toxic Characters and the Idea of Control
In another edition of REVISITING -- Paul, and I are joined by Ep. #2 guest, Ethan Petnizck-Wright, go over these different themes in the 2005 film "V For Vendetta". It was interesting viewing this movie today and thinking about how this was received back in 2005. We try to stick to the idea of toxic masculinity but the overall feeling of the world going on today takes over, but either way, it was fun.
Music by Polar
12. Women's Panel #1: Chivalry, Not Wanting Kids and How Men Can Do Better.
Today is a special day here at BWBH. It is our FIRST Women's Panel where we get a female perspective of Toxic Masculinity. I talk to three of my great friends Lauren Lombardo, Beth Bauler and Jasmine Petznick-Wright.
IG @boyswillbehuman
Music by Polaroid Bear:
11. EDUCATION: Therapist Omar Lorente, AMFT
Today I speak to a Therapist! His name is Omar Lorente and we dive in to why men act a certain way, Mom vs Dad approvals and what it takes to be a Therapist.
If you are interested in booking a session with Omar, check him out through his company's website.
Music by Polaroid Bear
10. Revisiting "I Love You Man" and Making Friends in Your Thirties w/ Paul Miller
Today is a little different. Today we start a new segment at BWBH where we will be revisiting films and TV episodes talking about how toxic masculinity is portrayed in each project. I am joined by Paul Miller who is a returning guest and this was a lot of fun.
If you have an idea for something we should watch, let us know!
BWBH FB Group:
and IG - @boyswillbehuman
Music by Polaroid Bear:
9. The Toxicity of Pop Culture: TV/Film, Comic Books and Video Games w/ Jason Patrick Galit (JPG)
Today I welcome Jason Patrick Galit (JPG)! He is one of the hosts of In Quest of Geek: a multi-platform production of weekly podcasts, actual-play RPGs, and Twitch streams. A pop culture critic and 'geek educator,' his work has been utilized by Comic-Con International & private businesses to enhance how people interact with media on a more inclusive level. You can find his work under @inquestofgeek, or his former podcast @readysetgeekpodcast from the Geek Say What? Network.
8. Crying w/ Michael James Peterson
Welcome Michael James Peterson to the podcast. He is one of my best friends and will be my best man at my wedding. Today is more focused on men crying. Him and I have no shame in crying, in general, in public, it just happens.
Michael's IG - @michaeljponline
Boys Will Be Human - @boyswillbehuman
FB Group:
Music by Polaroid Bear:
7. EDUCATION: Health Coach Jaime Saginor
Today is a different show, we will be doing these periodically where we'll learn about a topic that some boys aren't taught. The first one that comes to mind is our health. Today, Jaime and I go through men's health vs women's health, her 7-Day Sugar Detox (which 50% of the proceeds are going to EJI) and how the food we eat affects our mental health. You do not want to miss this!
Jaime Saginor:
IG - @jaime_saginor_health
Polaroid Bear - https://thepolaroidbear.c
6. Growing up near Philly + Getting Pedicures
Today I talk with my friend Pat about growing up near Philadelphia, playing catch with your Dad, and getting pedicures.
IG @boyswillbehuman
FB -
Polaroid Bear:
5. Being Latino + Going to Disneyland w/ Jose Balderas
Today, one of my newest friends, Jose, and I discuss masculinity in the Latinx community, animated movies, going to Disneyland and the optics of being a man in the world.
Check out Jose:
On The Screens Podcast
Polaroid Bear's music:
4. Heteronormative masculinity isn't everyone's masculinity with Paul Miller
Today I talk to one of my best friends, Paul Miller. He has been my roommate, fellow choir member, best person to converse with about anything and all around great person. We go over 'The Birdcage', Kurt Russell, being in Choirs, and lack of communication.
Follow us at:
Music by Polaroid Bear:
3. Own Who You Are
Today I welcome, one of my good friends, Aaron Sauerland. Aaron is a script supervisor working today and we have covered for each other on set but have never physically met. It's possible in that line of work. We discuss being a male in a female-dominated role, bullies, and therapy.
Aaron's IG =
Aaron's Twitter =
For for more music by Polaroid Bear, check him out at
2. Masculinity: Denmark vs USA
This week I talk to another one of my best friends, Sean Bolton. We talk about creating a safe space for men and what he saw while studying abroad in Denmark in college.
Join the conversation:
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Music by Polaroid Bear:
"You Throw Like A Girl" and The Power of Language
FOR OUR FIRST ONE! I welcome one of my best friends, Ethan Petznick Wright, as we dive in to the power of language in toxic masculinity.
For more music by Polaroid Bear check out his website:
Thank you again, I'll talk to you later
This podcast is about toxic masculinity. It is a set of behaviors and beliefs that include:
1. suppressing our emotions and masking our distress
2. maintaining an appearance of hardness
3. violence as an indicator of power
I believe this is the cause of many problems in this world and Step 1 is to talk about it. Talk about our feelings, our ups, our downs, our experiences and our solutions for a better future. Join me and let's get started.