QLPOR Presents Manatita, a.k.a The Lantern Carrier

QLPOR Presents Manatita, a.k.a The Lantern Carrier

Quintessential Listening Poetry Online Radio and YouTube

Manatita, a.k.a The Lantern Carrier, is a published author and poet, who has been performing poetry for 22 years.

Equally at home with performance pieces, Lantern Carrier has won a Hammer and Tongue (H&T) Slam, featured at BYOB, Mind Over Matter, Chocolate Poetry, Word Play and many other venues. He has been runner-up in Slams, as well as making the finals in the H&T National Final (Brighton).

Lantern Carrier has read at the famous Nuyorican Cafe and in Nairobi, Kenya. He’s a Creative Writer, who also writes short stories, essays, and Flash Fiction. He is the Author of four books, including Maxims for our Children: A look at the Teachings of Jesus, the Christ, and Blossoms of The Heart.

Lantern Carrier is a poet who tries to serve, to bring Light, to elevate ...enlighten the understanding. He endeavours to reach the Heart; to bring wisdom to his pieces and is a specialist in nature imagery, music, light, colour and dance in their kaleidoscope of different forms.

All his poetry addresses the varying moods of the soul and the human condition, either in mystical harmony or in separation from its Source. Salaam!

My Guru, Sri Chinmoy: Life and Teachings: Manatita: 9789937623049: Amazon.com: Books

Manatita, The Lantern Carrier: An Esoteric Journey to Spiritual Philosophy: Arvanitis, Ioannis: 9781686095849: Amazon.com: Books

Manatita, the Lantern Carrier - YouTube

The Lantern Carrier, a.k.a. Manatita Hutchinson, features at Spoken World Online, 8 February, 2022 - YouTube


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