BSCC Presents: Babysitting Baby Yoda

BSCC Presents: Babysitting Baby Yoda

Strange Bedfellows

The boys from the baby-sitters club club are back for yet another scintillating discussion of baby-sitting style and technique, this time in the smash-hit baby-sitting-themed video novel, The Mandalorian. Listen and enjoy as the boys talk about tiny green yoda and the big babysitter who never takes off his hat.

Music credits:

“Showtime,” by Stockwaves

"Hollywood Epic Sci-Fi Hybrid Trailer," by Audio Zen

“Chopstick Slapstick,” by OurMusicBox

"A Dubstep," by Maikon Music

Thanks as always to original Baby Boy Scott Lamb for the intro music, and to Superbrat for the outro music.

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