BSCC 070 - Jessi and the Bad Baby-sitter

BSCC 070 - Jessi and the Bad Baby-sitter

Strange Bedfellows

This week, Tanner is joined in his B____n, N__ Y__k apartment by a very special guest to discuss book #68 in the Baby-Sitter’s Club cycle: Jessi and the Bad Baby-sitter. Has Dawn finally been replaced? Can Wendy Loesser stand up to the immense scrutiny of the BSC? No and no! But we do get some G.C.B.S.F. this week, which is all we can hope for, really. Also in this episode: Bee theory, Green Lanterns (go figure), OWOWing, a special text message appearance from Jack’s friend, Jan, and an even more special appearance from everyone’s favorite low-voiced business men, Dave Daveson and Mark Markson.

Music Credits:

Thanks as always to original Baby Boy Scott Lamb for the intro music, and to Superbrat for the outro music.

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