155. Stephanie Finklea and Alex O’Hanlon on Local Food Sovereignty, Seed-Saving, and the Future of Urban Agriculture

155. Stephanie Finklea and Alex O’Hanlon on Local Food Sovereignty, Seed-Saving, and the Future of Urban Agriculture

Riverside Chats

Think of the last fruit or vegetable you ate. Do you know where it was grown? Who cultivated it? Harvested it? Transported it to the grocery store? Could you begin to guess all of the people and places involved in making sure that apple or celery or bok choy made it to your plate? When the food production system is global, it can be easy to forget that it’s possible to grow produce right here at home.

Today Maria Corpuz is in conversation with Stephanie Finklea and Alex O’Hanlon, two urban farmers who are involved with a number of organizations promoting food sovereignty and agriculture here in Omaha. Finklea is the owner and founder of Black Chick Farm. O’Hanlon is a coordinator at Free Farm Syndicate. Both cofounded Omaha Sunflower Coop and collaborate on Blazing Star Seed Cooperative, which aims to teach seed-saving skills and provide free seeds to the community.


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