Watch on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v2t8xe0-bret-and-heather-177th-darkhorse-podcast-livestream.html?mref=256aqg&mc=eh4u2
In this 177th in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we discuss the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.
Picking up from last week, how has the book, Where There Is No Doctor, been updated for the 2022 edition? From breast-feeding to medicines, obesity to sterility, the book has remained excellent in many ways, while adopting a few modern errors. And in 1992, it recommended 5 vaccine shots for young children; now it recommends 15 - 17—why the change? Then: how can we bootstrap rules for how to think about in an increasingly confused era? We discuss important concepts that are easily abused—like “controlled opposition” and “the right side of history”—and the meaning of the Trump indictment and the Defender 23 NATO exercise in Europe.
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Find more from us on Bret’s website (https://bretweinstein.net) or Heather’s website (http://heatherheying.com).
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Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.
Mentioned in this episode:
Where There Is No Doctor – 1992 & 2022 editions: https://store.hesperian.org/prod/Where_There_Is_No_Doctor.html
Hesperian (publisher of Where There Is No Doctor) Covid-19 Vaccine Info: https://en.hesperian.org/hhg/COVID-19_Vaccines
Advance chapter of “New Where There Is No Doctor” on Vaccines: https://hesperian.org/wp-content/uploads/pdf/en_nwtnd_2011/en_nwtnd_2019_30.pdf
Glenn Greenwald’s “System Update #96” from June 9, 2023: https://rumble.com/v2t5day-system-update-show-96.html
Air Defender 23: The Huge Military Air Defense Exer