The January guest was scheduled to be Dr. Joshua Starr, Superintendent of Montgomery County Public Schools-Maryland. Dr. Starr began his tenure as Montgomery County Public Schools’ superintendent of schools on July 1, 2011, after having been the superintendent in Stamford, Connecticut. In the middle of major curriculum revision, Dr. Starr has called for a 3-year moratorium on standardized testing in the state's largest public school system. At the time of broadcast, Dr. Starr was required unexpectedly to travel to Annapolis (MD) to meet with the governor. His deputy superintendent, Dr. Beth Schiavino-Narvaez adeptly served as a replacement.
Dr. Beth Schiavino-Narvaez is the Deputy Superintendent for School Support and Improvement for the Montgomery County Public Schools, where she is leading an effort to strengthen central office service and support to principals and schools. Prior to joining MCPS, Beth Schiavino-Narvaez was the Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning in the Springfield (MA) Public Schools. Beth began her career as a Fulbright Scholar in South Korea, where she taught English at a Korean public high school.