Taryn Stejskal: Founder and Chief Resilience Officer (CRO) of Resilience Leadership Institute (RLI)

Taryn Stejskal: Founder and Chief Resilience Officer (CRO) of Resilience Leadership Institute (RLI)

Coaches on Zoom Drinking Coffee

In this episode of Coaches on Zoom Drinking Coffee, Coaching.com CEO Alex Pascal takes a deep dive into the concept of resilience with international resilience expert Taryn Stejskal. 

Through her work as the Founder and Chief Resilience Officer of the Resilience Leadership Institute, Taryn helps leaders integrate vulnerability and emotional strength and connection into their professional life. During this conversation, she shares some of her top tips as well as her most fascinating research findings.

To discuss resilience, you first have to define it, and Taryn begins by explaining what she deems to be “resilience” and how she has come to this conclusion. She also discusses what resilience is not, which includes debunking the harmful myth of “bouncing back.”

Listeners will probably be relieved to discover that resilience isn’t something you need to search for. It’s already inside every person. In this episode, you will find out how resilience can be maximized through the practice of vulnerability.

Taryn acknowledges that vulnerability is a scary concept for many people because our brains naturally fear the unknown. She explains how vulnerability can trigger fears of the three Ls: they won’t like me, they won’t love me, and they might leave me. She also shares strategies for overcoming these irrational anxieties.

If resilience is the ability to address challenge, change, and complexity, and vulnerability is about creating connection and meaning, then the vast majority of us would surely agree that these are good things to develop. Listen in for practical advice on how to cultivate these qualities in our coaching clients and in our everyday lives.


Taryn Stejskal
: https://www.resilience-leadership.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/taryn-marie-stejskal/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrTarynMarie/Twitter: https://twitter.com/drtarynmarie
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drtarynmarie/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWy-FDrXXQnEC7poGI-C1_g?view_as=subscriber

The 5 Practices of Highly Resilient People: Why Some Flourish When Others Fold

Flourish or Fold: Stories of Resilience Podcast

Blog: https://www.resilience-leadership.com/resilience-blog


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