Weekly news podcast covering Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing
Games such as World of Warcraft, EverQuest, Guild Wars, City of Heroes,
Eve Online, Vanguard, and many many more.
The main site can be found at http://www.VirginWorlds.com -This week's topics: - Skype and New Mic - City of Heroes/Villains - Issue 7, 8 and 9 - Darkworld Online - M Rating for this horror MMOG? - Dreamlords - How's it look? - EverQuest - Overwhelming response on the progression server - EverQuest 2 - The Fallen Dynasty Advernture Pack and slaying Curt Schilling for ALS - Eve Online - The Eve Intergalactic Bank - Gods and Heroes - The minion system and fast travel - Horizons - Player-Created Quests - Lord of the Rings - Teleporting in Middle Earth? - SUN - Beta time! - Star Wars Galaxies - Live events are approaching - Tabula Rasa - Too mcuh action? - WoW - Draenei details, WoW at Lanwar and the cool schools - Featured website: Kill Ten Rats - killtenrats.com - Featured podcast: Massively Online Gamer - mogarmy.com