3 things we love (and 3 things we don’t) about El Salvador after 2 years

3 things we love (and 3 things we don’t) about El Salvador after 2 years

El Salvador Insiders

Discover the pros and cons of living in El Salvador.


In this episode, Francesco and I share our honest thoughts after two years of living in El Salvador. You'll learn what we love most about this beautiful country, from its openness to Bitcoin to the amazing sense of hope and progress we've witnessed. But it's not all sunshine – we also dive into the challenges.


Find out how Salvadorans are embracing change, what makes daily life here special, and what El Salvador expats need to know if they're considering moving to El Salvador.


Discover the real life in El Salvador with us – the good, the not-so-great, and everything in between!



Grab your guide here! https://julianabarbati.ck.page/el-salvador-guide

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And if you’d like to have a 1:1 with either one (or both of) us, you can do so here: https://calendly.com/julianabarbati/el-salvador-call


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