Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio Presents Rick Spisak

Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio Presents Rick Spisak

Quintessential Listening Poetry Online Radio and YouTube

Richard W. Spisak jr.

He began his work as a professional artist in the studio of Mel Tanner of Lumonics, studying performance Light art. Then Richard worked with the Lumist Kenvin Lyman of Dazzleland Studios, who had earned the first Doctorate of Lumia granted by the Sorbonne.

Then Richard earned a Second Class Radio Engineering License and studied Digital Electronics. He's performed as a LIGHT ARTIST in Planetariums and toured as a LASER ARTIST in the Americas.

Richard has been a Writer/Producer/Director in Live theatre, TV, RADIO, and the WEB. His political essays and ANTI-WAR essays have been published in volumes for three decades. He has published two short story collections the first, "Two Small Windows, in a Pair of Mirror Doors", a collection of stories about Aliens, Ashrams, and Gurus, and his second collection, including both fiction and non-fiction, is entitled “Between the Silences". It has been lauded from Asia to the Americas. His new poetry collection is scheduled to be published this summer, is entitled “STONE POETRY,” and will be widely distributed.

In 2022 Richard published the poetry he has been performing for the last decade in a volume entitled "7370 Allen Drive". Since 2022 Richard has been producing an International Literary webcast entitled “POETS of the East”. It has just wrapped up its fifth season, "Poets of the East," featuring poets from Asia, Europe, and the Americas.

Now living in the mountains of Tennessee



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