Quintessential Listening: Poetry - Aaron R.

Quintessential Listening: Poetry - Aaron R.

Quintessential Poetry: Online Radio, YouTube and Zoom

Aaron R also known as - Aaron R The Poet - writes poetry and also produces and directs short poem films. Poetry is a way to express real life situations in a way that all people can relate to using a myriad of topics. Aaron R was the winner of first ever World Food Day poetry competition organized by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Aaron R has also had poems featured in books on social justice. Aaron R also has a book Poetically Correct Volume 1 available on Amazon.com and iTunes. Aaron can be reached at aaronRpoems.com.

The mission of Quintessential Listening: Poetry is to provide a forum to examine topical events and contemporary issues through the power of poetry. Hosted by Dr. Michael Anthony Ingram, the live format offers poets and spoken word artists opportunities to either showcase their own poetry or the works of others. The show also offers poets the freedom to give voice as well as bear witness to the social, cultural, racial, political, health, global, gender, economic and environmental issues that affect all of our lives.


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