Discover the Khazar Empire, a captivating yet lesser-known state of the Middle Ages. These Turkic warriors established a significant trading empire between Europe and Asia, uniquely converting to Judaism. From their beginnings as Tengrist steppe nomads to their rise as a trading power in Ukraine and the Caucasus, explore their religious transformation and lasting impact on Eastern European Jewry. Uncover the story of their role in trade, their battles with Arabs, Byzantines, and other Turkic peoples, and their eventual fall to the Kievan Rus' and Oghuz Turks. Delve into the controversial Khazar Hypothesis and their enduring legacy.
00:00-02:00: Lifting the Veil on the Khazars
02:01-08:03: Mysterious Origins in Central Asia
08:04-16:22: Khazar Political System, Society and Military
16:23-22:18: Expanding the Khaganate
22:19-28:03: Khazar-Arab Wars
28:04-40:00: Religious Conversion from Tengrism to Judaism
40:01-42:50: The Khazar-Byzantine Connection
42:51-45:51: Why and how did the Khazars Fall?
45:52-55:18: Khazar Remains and the Jewish-Khazar Hypothesis
55:19-01:02:20: Conclusion: Khazar Legacy
#KhazarEmpire #Turkicwarriors #Judaismconversion #EasternEuropeanJewry #medievaltrade #KievanRus' #KhazarHypothesis
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