140326 Giving - Sharing and Wisely Using Gods Gifts

140326 Giving - Sharing and Wisely Using Gods Gifts

2014 1st Qt Approach to Handling Money - iph

http://www.onestone.com/blessed-to-bless.html Introduction The staff at One Stone appreciates the opportunity to bring this material to you. It has been our pleasure and honor to work with Karen Blackaby, fulfilling her desire to publish her husband's work after his unexpected death in 2013. Randy was a newspaper reporter and editor, gospel preacher, elder, and publisher of articles and workbooks. He was well qualified to produce this much needed material for study today.The effects of materialism are destructive to the most precious things we possess: our relationship with others, with our families, with the church, and with God. So many people are trading their eternal reward for the temporary pleasures of earthly possessions. As a diligent Bible student and gifted writer, Randy addressed this need.In working with Randy Blackaby's material to prepare it for printing, I had the opportunity to study his material. After the introductory lesson on the need for this study, Randy gives an overview of the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus regarding material blessings and possessions. God's material blessings and the role they play in the relationship with the people of Old, help one develop a better perspective of their possessions today.Beginning with lesson 7 and continuing through lesson 10, Randy discusses some practical topics relating specifically to today. Considering the growing problems with materialism,debt, and bankruptcy, it is apparent these topics need to be discussed in more detail, with scripture, and application.The remaining lessons discuss giving within the concepts of being like God. He is the author of giving and has blessed us abundantly. As recipients, we need to be faithful stewards of God's blessings.This material is recommended for adult Bible studies, small group and in home studies,and for teens (high school age & above). This is valuable material for equipping teens to be prepared for the important decisions they will face in marriage, careers, and using their possessions. There have been some minor revisions in the editing process, however, Randy wrote the material. The additions to this material relate to the questions at the end of the lessons.On behalf of the staff at One Stone, we hope you enjoy this material and find it profitable.


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