Welcome back GWA fam!
Today we are discussing the fear of the unknown. It's a topic that we believe everyone can relate to on some level because if we are being honest most of us can't predict the future. We touch on, well pretty much smother on the topic of what our current climate is in the US of A and what a pivotal moment this is for us. Even though the unknown can be scary at times, it also can lead us to something beautiful. As one wise podcaster once said..."Ignite the little fire stick of hope and carry it around in your belly...but not a real fire stick" -Neg.
We hope you enjoy and remember to take a break when you need one, we will get through this together one way or another. We love you!
Follow us
Instagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Neg @nneggy
Here is our website if you want to see a cute picture of us!
Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or just to say what up: girlswanxiety@gmail.com
xx GWA