The QL_P Reading Series Presents - Alatishe Kolawole

The QL_P Reading Series Presents - Alatishe Kolawole

Quintessential Poetry: Online Radio, YouTube and Zoom

This Episode is Prerecorded

Alatishe Kolawole wishes to embody integrity. His dream and his vision are to become a positive example for many young people, all over the world. Faith - an invisible power - and the will to grow humanly even when times are hard and difficult guide and inspire his work. The poet has the certainty that the right wins over iniquity. He has faith that the sun will rise again, life will go on and things will improve in some way. Somehow, even when it seems impossible. His poetry is aimed primarily at boys and girls all over the world. His verses have been published in the Punch Papers (Arts & Culture), Wildfire Publications Magazine (United States), The Poet's Attic World Anthology (United States), Genoa Poetry, (Italy) and other literary magazines. Alatishe travels through the stages of life trying to anticipate the future. His poetry collection Welcome to the Poets Residence and We Need a Road on this Broken Heart are scheduled for 2020 "Immerse your feet in this river of hope" by Alatishe opens the new series by Lavinia.


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