Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio Presents S.T. Brant

Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio Presents S.T. Brant

Quintessential Listening Poetry Online Radio and YouTube

S. T. Brant is a Las Vegas high school teacher. His debut collection, Melody in Exile, is out with Atmosphere Press. His work has appeared in numerous journals, including Honest Ulsterman, EcoTheo, Timber, and Rain Taxi. You can reach him on his website at ShaneBrant.com, Twitter: @terriblebinth, or Instagram: @shanelemagne.

Amazon.com: Melody in Exile eBook : Brant, S.T.: Books

Book Reviews of Melody in Exile

"I applaud the voice of S.T. Brant in these poems that trust in-depth, believe in conversations through time, in artistic pursuit, believe, despite everything, in search for truth even-or, perhaps, especially, in our pained, ruinous time. This is marvelous work."

-Ilya Kaminsky

"Blends the spirit of the Greeks singing to the muses with outtakes from Genesis. Through numbered ecstasies and the violences of memory, these poems search for love in the heart's empty theater... Full of beseeching prayer and longing for an unnamed you, this collection is a reminder of the sadness of eternity..."

-Traci Brimhall


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