Episode 50:  Registered Heart Dietition Michelle Routhenstein

Episode 50: Registered Heart Dietition Michelle Routhenstein

The Heart Attack Thriver Podcast

This week on T.H.A.T. I was in conversation with Heart Dietition Michelle Routhenstein and we touched on so many great topics and hotspots when it comes to managing Cardiovascular Dis-Ease with lifestyle and nutrition.

Michelle is super knowledgeable, and know the science of nutrition cold and I love that it is all grounded in  Scientific Literature and clinic trials!  Michelle has such an easy and soft approach that gets the results her patients want and need!!

Hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I did!!

Michelle’s Contact info:

Instagram @heart.health.nutritionist

Website:  https://entirelynourished.com/

I appreciate you Michelle! 🙌🏻✨🙏❤️

#nutritionist #nutritioncoach #lifestylechanges #knowyournumbers #bloodpanels #coronaryarterydisease 
#cardiovasculardisease #itsdoesnotdiscrimate #1killerofwomenandmen #knowthesigns #knowtgesymptoms #knowyourfamilyhistory #listentoyourbody #trustit #intuition #ittrustitwithmylife #heartattacksurvivor #heartattackthriver #theheartattackthriverpodcast 
#lifecoaching #icanhelpyounavigate #fear #anxiety #stress

Podcast Disclaimer:

The information and opinions presented in the Heart Attack Thriver Podcast is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, medical advice. While the information provided on this Podcast relates to medical issues, and health and wellness, the information is not a substitute for medical advice from a Medical Professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation.

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