Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio Presents Teresa E. Gallion

Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio Presents Teresa E. Gallion

Quintessential Listening Poetry Online Radio and YouTube

Teresa E. Gallion was born in Shreveport, Louisiana and moved to Illinois at the age of 15. She completed her undergraduate training at the University of Illinois Chicago and received her master’s degree in Psychology from Bowling Green State University in Ohio. She retired from New Mexico state government in 2012.

Teresa is a seeker on a journey to work on unfolding spiritually in this present lifetime. Writing is a spiritual exercise for Teresa. Her passions are traveling the world and hiking the mountain and desert landscapes of the western United States. The land is sacred ground and her spiritual temple where she goes for quiet reflection and contemplation. She has published four books: Walking Sacred Ground, Contemplation in the High Desert, Chasing Light, a finalist in the 2013 New Mexico/Arizona Book Awards and her most recent book, Scent of Love, a finalist in the 2021 New Mexico/Arizona Book Awards. Her work has appeared in numerous journals and anthologies. You may preview her work at http://teresagallion.yolasite.com/


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