Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio Presents Gerry LaGuardia Leonard

Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio Presents Gerry LaGuardia Leonard

Quintessential Listening Poetry Online Radio and YouTube

Gerry LaGuardia Leonard writes in poetic prose, storytelling about the state of today’s world. She claims to have always walked the paths of altruism and artistic pursuits. Today, she defines herself as an emerging poet, adding it to her accomplishments as wife, mother, drama student, pottery artist and a fifteen-year career as a Certified Chemical Dependency/Relapse Specialist, instructing in Northern California jails. 

Gerry began writing poetry as a family legacy, then joined Facebook poetry groups. She is a member of the Denver Poetry Society and attends poetry readings around Denver. Her poems have been published in various anthologies, including a peace poem scripted on cloth, for a unique flag exhibition in India. Gerry claims that poetry is perfectly suited for unique artistic presentation, self-publishing an accordion book of poems. After living 35 years in No. California, she now resides in Denver, Colorado, where she was born and raised. 



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