Join us on Wednesday, January 11 for a conversation on leadership in today's schoolhouse with Dr. George Theoharis. George Theoharis is Professor and Department Chair for the Teaching and Leadership Department at Syracuse University. He served as Associate Dean to direct the urban education initiatives. George teaches classes in educational leadership and elementary/early childhood teacher education. He also has extensive field experience in public education as a principal and as a teacher. His research focuses on issues of equity, leadership, and inclusive service delivery in K-12 schools. His books titled The School Leaders Our Children Deserve, What Every Principal Needs to Know to Create Excellent and Equitable Schools, and The Principal’s Handbook for Leading Inclusive Schools focus on issues of leadership and creating more equitable schools. He co-runs a summer leadership institute for school administrators focusing on issues of disability and inclusion as well as a school reform project called Schools of Promise that focuses on working with and students schools and district in creating inclusive services for students with disabilities. He consults with leaders, schools, and districts around issues of leadership, equity, diversity and inclusive reform. His Ph.D. is in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis from the University of Wisconsin – Madison.
Phone in and be part of the discourse. January 11 (2:00pm EST)