Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio Presents Nicholas Michael Ravnikar

Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio Presents Nicholas Michael Ravnikar

Quintessential Listening Poetry Online Radio and YouTube

Nicholas Michael Ravnikar put the overt in overthinking. He is the originator of the new, obsessive poetic form called the Polish octave. He has self-published two collections of poetry, "Imaginary Friends" in July 2022 and "Three Dirty Sunsets" on December 1, 2022. He challenged himself to release four free full-length poetry collections during the month of January and hopes to keep up a frenzied pace leading up to the release of a complete book of Polish Octaves in 2023. Moria Press published and mailed a hard copy of his long poem, "Liberal Elite Media Rag. SAD!" to the White House for inclusion in the presidential library. His poems have appeared in venues like Sawbuck, Otoliths, BlazeVox, and more recently in Black Stone on a White Stone and Superpresent. His book reviews have appeared at New Pages.com. In addition, he has also started Paper::Knives poetry projects, the latest incarnation of small press publishing efforts, with the mission of increasing public analysis, interpretation, and critique of poetry. He holds an MFA in creative writing from Naropa University's Jack Kerouac School of Poetics and taught for 9 years as a college professor after moonlighting as a video producer and nonprofit arts facilitator until leaving a full-time liberal arts lectureship at a state university in order to repair bathtubs. Living with Borderline Personality Disorder, ADHD and Dysthymia-Persistent depression, he has been sober since 2011 and raises two children with his spouse in Racine, WI. Download his books for free at or bio.fm/nicholasmichaelravnikar or submit your work for publication by Paper::Knives at www.paperknives.art

Amazon.com: Imaginary Friends: Poems eBook : Ravnikar, Nicholas : Books


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