Quintessential Listening: Poetry - Kim Bailey

Quintessential Listening: Poetry - Kim Bailey

Quintessential Poetry: Online Radio, YouTube and Zoom

Kim D. Bailey is a 2016 Pushcart Nominee for nonfiction, and 2018 Best of the Net Nominee for poetry. Currently, she works as a paid reviewer for Carpe Librum books and does some freelance work on the side. She is published in several online and print journals and in audio, including but not limited to Firefly Magazine, Tuck Magazine, Drunk Monkeys, The Scarlet Leaf Review, Writer's Digest, Anti Heroine Chic, Sick Lit, The Song Is, Indigent Press, The 52 Men Podcast, and Tupelo Press. Kim was a columnist for Five 2 One Literary Magazine from June 2016 to October 2017, writing to Breaking the Legacy of Silence. She has also held editorial positions with Firefly Magazine and Sick Lit Magazine. At the moment, Kim is taking her creativity a day at a time and is compiling a memoir as well as poems for a chapbook. She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and two dogs. You can find her work mostly compiled at Kim D. Bailey. www.kimbaileyspradlin.com


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