Shirzad Chamine: Author of the New York Times Bestselling Book Positive Intelligence

Shirzad Chamine: Author of the New York Times Bestselling Book Positive Intelligence

Coaches on Zoom Drinking Coffee

Shirzad Chamine, author of the NYT bestselling book Positive Intelligence, shares his incredible journey from a childhood of poverty and oppression to becoming a successful entrepreneur and thought leader. A devastating professional setback led Shirzad on a path of self-discovery and healing that became the foundation for his groundbreaking work on Positive Intelligence.

Shirzad explains how we all have an inner judge, the universal voice that shames and guilts us. He identified 10 saboteurs that hold us back, and the 5 sage powers that help us thrive - Empathize, Explore, Innovate, Navigate and Activate. While writing a bestselling book changed many lives, Shirzad realized that true lasting transformation comes from turning insight into sustained daily practice. This led him to create the hugely impactful Positive Intelligence app.

Shirzad movingly describes life as a hero's journey, where every chapter, even the painful ones, serve a purpose. He encourages us to embrace our story and manifest what wants to emerge next. Reflecting on his time as CEO of the renowned Coach Training Institute, Shirzad shares how building a business with love and genuine care for transformation at its core leads to incredible impact. An inspiring conversation on navigating adversity and creating positive change at scale.


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