Episode 440: Indefatigable Podcast

Episode 440: Indefatigable Podcast

Radio Free Nintendo

  • In this first Season 5 episode of RFN, James tries to get comfortable in the host's chair and everyone pretends nothing has happened.
  • New Business begins with Greg Leahy's thoughts on the newest Smash Bros DLC and Tournament mode, and then leads the rest of the gang to talk about Splatoon with his fresh impressions. Guillaume talks about his brief but fun time playing the co-op Wii U game Never Alone, and James finishes with his impressions of Uncharted... Waters on the Wii U VC.
  • Listener Mail tackles the rampant speculation about the NX, Nintendo's Quality of Life initiative, why we don't open up the podast to all consoles/systems, and Nintendo's tight PR leash on its employees.


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