Building Spiritual Influence With Your Kids For The Long Haul // Are The Kids Okay? (Part 4) // Jeff Brodie

Building Spiritual Influence With Your Kids For The Long Haul // Are The Kids Okay? (Part 4) // Jeff Brodie

Connexus Church Audio Podcast

Our anxious culture is quick to argue, and it can spill over into our relationships. Every family has its share of fights—some are icy and distant, while others are fiery and intense. Conflict is inevitable in any relationship, and disagreements happen at all ages. It can get heated in the moment. But the real question is, how do we fight with the end in mind? How do we fight for each other instead of with each other? In this message, we’re going to look at a Biblical principle around how rules and relationships work, and how to build spiritual influence in the lives of our kids for the long haul.


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