Justin Newhook (@Justin_Newhook) & Matt Connors (@Connors8Matt) AKA Sabotage (@SabotageTagTeam) are two hot superstars tearing up the Indy scene specializing in tag team action. Lewis caught up with them to discuss:
- How they formed Sabotage
- Their brutal ladder match against Da B’ys.
- Who their all time favorite tag team is
- If Brian Cage (@MrGMSI_BCage) needs to watch his back when he arrives in UCW
- Their thoughts on Cody Rhodes (@CodyRhodes) and the Elite
- Wrestling for @Official_UCW
- If they’d ever go after Markus Burke (@ViolentCanadian) and the @Official_UCW World title
- Their alliance with Covey Christ (@CoveyChrist)
- The ultimate goal for Sabotage
- And much more!