A conversation with Adrion Porter, the driving force behind Mid Career Mastery — a platform dedicated to helping over-40s grow.
Adrion and Alex delve into the rarely addressed challenge of 'midlife malaise' - a common occurrence among experienced workers. Adrion provides a concrete, three-pillar framework - mindset, meaning, and milestones - to transform this malaise into a path towards mastery — helping clients navigate their mid-career challenges.
Adrion also shines a light on ageism in the workplace and the value of experience in a multi-generational workforce. They discuss how to guide clients in leveraging their wisdom, embracing mentorship roles, and driving value in knowledge-based work.
A previous HBO staff, Adrion opens up about the brand's transition to HBO Max. His experience provides an insightful understanding of organizational changes which you can use to better support your clients during similar shifts in their workplace.
Immerse yourself in this thought-provoking chat with practical insights to explore mid-career challenges, ageism, and organizational changes.