BEST OF: BSCCD-ROM – The Baby-Sitters Club Friendship Kit

BEST OF: BSCCD-ROM – The Baby-Sitters Club Friendship Kit

Strange Bedfellows

We're taking another week off this week, as some of us persist in trying to move across the country, so please enjoy one of our very favorite Baby-Sitters Club Club episodes from the past few years this week, and we'll be back next week to talk about Four Weddings and, unfortunately, a Funeral!

A wonderfully surreal and slightly scary world awaits all those who are brave enough to crawl through the looking glass, speak their own secret names aloud, and become new initiates of the legendary Baby-Sitters Club. But this is just the beginning of the quest, and danger awaits: Will the boys be confounded by the deadly Puzzle Box, disoriented by the mysterious Map Game, or debilitated by the incessant ringing of Claudia’s terrible telephone? Answers: Yes, yes, and yes. Fortunately, these guys are professional gamers, so there’s probably no need to worry.

Music credits:

Thanks as always to original Baby Boy ⁠Scott Lamb⁠ for the intro music, and to ⁠Superbrat⁠ for the outro music.

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