QLPOR Presents Brian Stark and Lindsey Gill - The COLLIDE Zine

QLPOR Presents Brian Stark and Lindsey Gill - The COLLIDE Zine

Quintessential Listening Poetry Online Radio and YouTube

Bio: Brian was born a poet. Love of wisdom and adventure. A strong desire from a very young age to bring inspiration into the hearts of all readers of his poetry and all he crosses paths with. Only published on Facebook Poetry Society which is Brian's first created group on Facebook and his online poetry home yet, Brian has also created hundreds of more poetry groups on Facebook to create places where poets can come together and help each other learn and grow about our beloved craft of self-expression. Brian will always desire to create a poem that does get to the heart of humanity in the hope of change in a world filled with suffering. Brian does believe in humanity greatly as much does love poetry so very much. Brian has recently discovered yoga and meditation that he is using to heal and transform as to put himself in a greater position to help humanity if be in a poem or just from shining his love into this world.

Bio: Lindsey is a freelance illustrator, muralist, and event organizer living in Philadelphia, PA. She is also a poet and a yoga teacher. It was her connection to a vegan cafe she loves called Lightbox that made her start writing regularly and attending the open mics they hosted there every Friday night. Feeling as if it was her calling to do so, Lindsey hatched the idea of a zine ( a small paperback publication) called COLLIDE to further the range of the words that so deeply impacted her at these events. The idea for the project was to pair local visual artists with poets like the ones she met at Lightbox in a collaborative theme across two pages of the magazine. Each artist or writer featured in Collide's issues gets a place on the shelf of one of seven Philly bookstores, a feat even Lindsey is still shocked she was able to do since the project began in May 2022. Lindsey will talk more about the future of Collide and how creatives can apply (for free!) to be featured in Issue 3, debuting hopefully in mid to late February.


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