VirginWorlds Podcast #63

VirginWorlds Podcast #63

VirginWorlds MMORPG Podcast

Another slow news week, but we mix it up with a guest appearance from occasional co-host extraordinaire Brenden from Topics this week include:

- Age of Conan is taking beta signups.
- Guild Wars 2
- Lord of the Rings Online World Tour
- Voyage Century launches
- Gaming Industry salaries
- Brenden's GDC highlights
- What we're playing
- Contest winner
- Featured podcast: CoMutiny
- Featured Blog: Cuppytalk

Thanks for listening!

VirginWorlds is a weekly news podcast covering Massively Multiplayer
Online Role Playing Games (MMORPGs) such as World of Warcraft,
EverQuest, Guild Wars, City of Heroes, Eve Online, Vanguard, and many
many more. The main site can be found at


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