Socialization is the most important training you can do for your Puppy.
We want to get our puppy out from the very beginning.
There are also lots of things we can do every day at home in addition to the outside world.
Bonus: Socialization tires a puppy out!
In this episode I talk about:
A quick review on what it means to socialize your puppy.
Why socialization is so important.
5 ways to socialize your puppy without leaving your home.
Lot of examples and ideas to keep you and your puppy busy for a long time.
Press play and enjoy!
Other resources mentioned and related to this episode:
YNP #021: Balancing Vaccines and Socialization
YNP #063: My 7 Guidelines to Socializing Your Puppy
Playtime Paws Academy: A brand new program for dog and humans no matter where you are in your training journey.