VirginWorlds Podcast #94

VirginWorlds Podcast #94

VirginWorlds MMORPG Podcast

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you in the US.  I hope you had a fine meal
or two and had some free time to spend hunting mobs (and visiting your families.)  Here are the topics for this week.

-EverQuest II
-Legends of Norrath
-Lineage II
-Marvel Universe Online
-Space Time Studios
-World of Warcraft
-The VirginWorlds Membership Plan

New Sponsors:
Sponsoring the VirginWorlds Podcast: Cuppycake and Michael
Sponsiring Shut Up We're Talking: Belo, Hugh (hughnme) and John (wilhelm2451, TAGN)
Sponsoring TabulaCast: hauntshade and GreenGel
Sponsoring Warp Drive Active: StErroneous Website Sponsor: Craig/DamianoV from Voyages in Eternity

New Members:
-Louis, the first member!
-Van Hemlock


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