Quintessential Listening: Poetry Presents - Tzynya Pinchback

Quintessential Listening: Poetry Presents - Tzynya Pinchback

Quintessential Poetry: Online Radio, YouTube and Zoom

Tzynya Pinchback is the author of the chapbook, How to Make Pink Confetti (Dancing Girl Press, 2012). Poems and essays from her current manuscript, Tulle, have appeared or are forthcoming in The American Poetry Journal, the Aurorean, Mom Egg Review, Midnight & Indigo, and Up the Staircase Quarterly. She writes about things at www.tzynyapinchback.com.

The primary mission of Quintessential Listening: Poetry is to provide a live format for emerging, mid-career and established poets to showcase their work. Whether traditional poetry or spoken word, the show offers an online vehicle for artists to engage in critical dialogue and discussion about poetry.


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