VirginWorlds Podcast #21

VirginWorlds Podcast #21

VirginWorlds MMORPG Podcast

Topics this week:    9 Dragons weapons    Age of Conan PvP    Prognostication of the Week (new segment)    Archlord and the importance of the game's premise    Auto Assault's 2nd update    Big Sceen Entertainment is making an MMO    Cabal Online    Cryptic Studio is growing    Darkfall and orc heads    DDO's progress and future    The end of Endless Saga    Scientific Proof of the MMOs that make people happiest    EverQuest 1 and 2 expansions    FFXI banning botters    Fury's MMO categorization    God's and Heroes emotions    Lineage II's next release    Second Life Movies    Shadowbane and Stray Bullet news    SOE Fan Faire 2007    Vanguard beta 3 and Death    World of Warcraft    Contest Winner    Listener mail    What we're playing    Where is your guild drama?VirginWorlds is a weekly news podcast covering Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games such as World of Warcraft, EverQuest, Guild Wars, City of Heroes, Eve Online, Vanguard, and many many more. The main site can be found at


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